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The 7 Universal Law's 1:1 Coaching Program, based off Book :FROM FEAR TO FREEDOM
Welcome and Introduction (11:01)
Law #1 - The Law of Mentalism
Applying the Law of Mentalism in Your Life (44:18)
Worksheets, Meditations, and Affirmations (8:17)
Law #2 - The Law of Vibration
How the Law of Vibration effects your life (9:47)
Learn how to master your vibrations (7:04)
Learning how to ground your vibration and connect (10:18)
Grounding Meditation
How Vibration impacts water H2O and You (8:17)
Law #3 - The Law of Correspondence (As above, So below)
Understanding Correspondence: Inner and outer communication (8:11)
Let's Play! Communicating with your inner child (10:02)
Nipping negativity in the bud! (20:23)
Law #4 - The Law of Polarity
The Law of Polarity: Distinguishing Polarity & Perception (28:58)
Polarized belief's: Reframing Negatives into Positives (6:51)
Pole Dancing: How to flip the pole (9:05)
Law #5 - The Law of Rhythm
Finding Harmony through Balance & Cycles
Evaluating Your Cycle & Creating Flow
New Lesson
Law #6 - The Law of Cause & Effect
Uncovering Your Sense of Abundance
Allowing Yourself to Receive & Surrender
Law #7 - The Law of Gender
Understanding & Metamorphosis
Unlocking Harmony & Enlightenment
Final Reflection
Putting it All Together
Grounding Meditation
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