Overcoming Dating Drama is a 6 Month relationship readiness program designed to make your next relationship the best.

During the program, you will reflect on your past relationships, redefine love, and date without getting hurt or without you hurting others.

Be equipped with tools, knowledge, and experiences to help you navigate the intricate world of dating and properly prepare yourself for a divine union.



For people who have faced failed relationships or divorce.

Former Military

Transient career personnel who are ready to build a long-term relationship.

Socially Awkward

Those who find engaging in the dating scene challenging or overwhelming.

How it works

The program is conducted online, making it convenient for you to access all resources including lessons, group sessions, and assignments from anywhere in the world.

First 30 days:

Inner Work & Reflection

  • Delve deep into your past relationships and understand the role you played.
  • Use worksheets to identify your red flags, traumas, and conduct an internal SWOT analysis.
  • Explore your love languages and key strengths.

Part 2 of the Program:

Navigating the Dating Streets

  • Learn how to have meaningful conversations focused on love, finance, spirituality, etc.
  • Implement tools like the "100-hour rule" to spend quality, unfiltered time with potential partners.
  • Regular 30-day check-ins help assess and affirm your progress.

Weekly Meetings: Stay engaged through worksheets, cards with hundreds of questions, and online content.

Community Support: Join our WhatsApp community to share experiences and seek advice from like-minded individuals.

Part 2 Includes an In-Person Retreat: A 3-day retreat when you sign up for 4 months of the program. This helps integrate learning and practice real-life dating scenarios.

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